Yes. Hi. Hello. I have returned. So a lot has been happening in the past few months! Christmas, New year, back to school, prelims etc etc etc.
I feel like giving you a little catch up so you can hear what I've been up to? I have so many posts that are in my drafts folder that I need to finalise and publish for you! Hopefully I'll start posting once a week? Thats the plan anyway...
Christmas was so much fun this year! I got so many new makeup products to try and test out plus santa surprised my dad with an Xbox 1, unfortunately he hasn't been using it as I have claimed it for my own. Not even ashamed.
After christmas I got a few extra goodies and I went to a few parties that literally made the end of my 2014 amazing! I also have such a good group of friends that I didn't realise I had.
Even though the year has only just begun I have a 5K Colour Me Rad fun run in July and 3 amazing concerts to look forward to, All Time Low, You me at Six and Fall Out Boy! Cant wait to get this year properly going!
I hope you're all looking forward to this year! 2015 will be a great one!
Love, Caitlin x