Now, I'm probably one of the last people to be giving advice for getting fitter but, I want to change. Deciding you want to loose weight or just be healthier in general isn't about running for an hour and having some rabbit food every once and a while. It's all about changing your lifestyle. Start planning now and start changing your lifestyle today so when it comes to summer its a routine. You don't need to jump into a crazy gym membership and live there all day everyday. You start off slowly, only making a few changes to your diet and exercise routine.
Make yourself a weekly plan of exactly what you want to do. If anyone knows me I love to be organised and I always make lists of everything I need to do. Plan your week, a week ahead. Decide what you want to do and grab a friend to join you if you need that little extra motivation. Here is a little idea of my new exercise timetable.
Monday - Go for a run after school
Tuesday - After school gym with Erin, Eilidh and Lydia for DofE
Wednesday - Recovery day
Thursday - Drama Club (not really exercise but it gets you up on your feet for 2 hours)
Friday - Go for a run after school or use youtube fitness routines
Saturday - Recovery
Sunday - Swimming with Eilidh
A simple timetable like this is easy to stick to and doing it with friends makes it more enjoyable to continue.
Having a balanced diet it extremely important to keeping a healthy lifestyle. However this is not the time to starve yourself of everything and only eat lettuce everyday. Everything in moderation.
Step one - Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up. I drink water a lot and I love having some in the morning because it wakes me up. In the morning everyone has to pee. Drinking a glass of water before you pee flushes out all of the bad stuff from your body and the water adds clean stuff into your body. If that made any sense?
Step two - Eat Breakfast every morning!! I am so bad at doing this but having something like a breakfast bar or a banana can fuel you enough for your next meal and kick starts your metabolism for the day.
Step three - Lunch is pretty important during the day and being at school its really difficult to eat a balanced or even a healthy lunch! It's best to bring your own lunch to work or school so you have complete control of what is going into your body. If you can't do this everyday thats fine just stay away from foods with high fat and sodium content.
Step four - Dinnertime is where you pile on the veggies and get rid of the carbs. Carbohydrates take hours to burn through your body and need to be exercised off because they are placed in your body as part of fat. Keeping away from strach-y food at dinner is better for you because you can't burn it all off while your'e sleeping. Eating some form of protein, meat or vegetable can give you a balanced meal at the end of the day.
Step five - Snacking throughout the day is something we all do but are we actually hungry or just bored? If you ever feel like you need a snack your'e body is telling you that it needs water. Drinking water throughout the day decreases the amount of food you eat and reduces bloating. If after your water you still want something, grab some fruit, a yoghurt or put it all together and make a smoothie. Simple and good for you.
So after a pretty long blogpost how are you feeling? Are you going to change your lifestyle or just feel better about yourself?
Caitlin x